Obi Obi Parklands - Wetland Areas

There are two wetlands in the proposed concept plan covering just over 8.1 ha or 6.3% of the site.  The wetlands are consistent with the current landform and only small retaining banks will be necessary to ensure that these are reasonably permanent.  In the past these wetlands were created and maintained by dense water plant growth.

The two wetland areas have been identified by Council as Drainage Areas and Land Subject to Flooding. The southern wetland has also been recorded by Council as a Remnant Regional Ecosystem of concern.

The Maleny Community Precinct Master Plan includes an area now referred to as the Southern Wetland. Green Hills, as part of the Precinct Community Advisory Group, was recently asked by the Council to comment on a proposed management plan for this area. A species list was included in the Green Hills response to Council:

Southern Wetland Species List

The current drought in southeast Queensland and the resulting water crisis emphasises that water, its sustainability and cleanliness, should be of paramount concern, particularly in catchment areas.  Obi Obi Creek is the main contributor of water for the Baroon Pocket Dam.  This dam will soon be linked to the southeast Queensland pipeline network.  Maleny has one of the highest rainfalls in southeast Queensland.  It is calculated that following a ground-soaking, 100 mm of rain-fall will result in 122 megalitres of water run-off from the site.  This is a significant amount for the Baroon Pocket Dam.  There are at least 10 active springs on the site that continue to provide water to Obi Obi Creek for long periods following rain.  It is important to maintain the health of these springs and the continuous flow from the site via the wetlands.  This continuous flow is necessary in maintaining the health of Obi Obi Creek and its fauna and flora.

These two sites will provide habitat for a number of wetland-dependent threatened species (eg Lewin’s rail) listed for the site in Council's Biodiversity Strategy report.  The size of the northern wetland (8 ha) will supply a much needed refuge for inland waterbirds during extended periods of drought (eg magpie goose, grey teal). 

The wetlands will also provide habitat and feeding areas for the two bird species, rainbow bee-eater and cattle egret, listed in an international agreement (RAMSAR) that Australia has signed.  Protecting the habitat of these species will attract federal government funding.  The Queensland EPA is promoting a “save the wetlands” campaign and is offering help and funding for wetland protection. 

It is important that the northern wetlands area has good connectivity with Obi Obi Creek for the migration of wildlife into the wetlands area, and also to cope with the enormous outflow of water following heavy rain events (see this graphic for more details on rainfall).

This graphic links to a full sized version.